In the above you look like you have pretty good extension but there is still some to go.
On the other hand....This picture suggests otherwise.
I can tell you this.....I can feel the pain looking at the picture below.
I grabbed my reflex and held myself in this position for about a minute and my shoulders are still stinging
You are one tough customer!!
Here is one thing I caught and this is the reason that alot of people have abandoned the bent arm position.
Notice the different position of the bow arm ?
while looking at either the arrow or the lower cam , you can see a distinct diffrence in location...regardless of the shirts position on your arm.
I think I also see why the bow is kicking right on you
It appears to be the position of your palm on the grip.
I would suggest removing the grip and trying a full extension on the bow arm and a mid wrist to high wrist position on the riser.
Now...if you do this you are going to extend the reach of the bow and hence increase the draw length.
Now that I can see better , I would suggest that this release is fine for the reach of your fingers.
A comfortable long as you dont have to reach for it
One other thing I see that will / can be corrected by the high wrist position.
I see that your shoulder is tucked in on the bow arm and sloped downward which is why your release arm elbow is so elevated.
By bringing the bow arm square to the shoulder you will allow the release arm to drop.
I would suggest doing just this and ignoring the peep until you feel yourself square.
It will feel good
Once squared , you may find that you will be more comfortable with a lower anchor point....perhaps level with the bottom of your jaw
Re-set the peep and adjust the sights to compensate.
Bet you'll shoot more consistently or at the very least you will shoot longer and leave feeling fresher
I would say to try these simple suggestion and then shoot for a few weeks.
It's easy enough to set it right back if you mark and measure before moving things and you may find that this will work well for you