[blue]PLEASE!!!!!.....NO OFFENSE INTENDED!!!!!!!!!!![/BLUE]
I agree that we should endorse the sport but not all the methods
Some of these methods are fuel for the fire , aiding the anti's fight to encourage fence sitters to join their cause.
Ignoring the PETA people will not solve the problem but rather it will swell their ranks IMO.
Practices which are cruel are legal in some states and it is these practices that will make the average voter side against the hunter , regardless of what has been a tradition
Times change and the days of gaining support for anything (large or small) based solely on tradition falls flat.
Bear Trapping is one example of a tradition that was outlawed based on public outcry due to the blatant cruel manner in which it was carried out.
(I knew alot of bear trappers and none said it was anything short of cruel but they argued it was also tradition
It doesn't matter what you feel.....it's about what the majority feels.
Look at the recent hypo dart hunt that was slated
There was alot of out cry from hunters and non-hunters and they weren't even killing the deer! ;D
Imagine trying to justify to a senator that loves the concrete jungle that gut shooting a cat out of a tree and into the midst of a snarling dog pack is perfectly o.k. and is a tradition
Some of the films I have seen of cat hunting adventures would cause me to go out and vote against it
So .... tradition doesn't build bridges and in fact may well keep the first pilings for that bridge from ever being sunk.
Some methods couldn't be promoted to a hunter....much less a non-hunter who is mildly interested
These methods I speak of don't need to be named....just use your imagination
If your wife would be sickened by it or distressed in any way then you better examine it closely
The woman outnumber us by a large percentage and it is they,not us who can turn the tide.
Heck!.....1/3 of the men I meet are only men in as much as the gear god blessed them with and would not be inclined to understand any better than Hillary Clinton would understand rush Limbaugh!
I am not saying that we as a group need to hide but we do have to have the ability to explain our actions and methods.
I could not explain in a hundred years why anyone would need to hunt deer with a 22 at night..... so I am against it.
(makes me look like I do know what I am talking about and gives someone who doesn't more reason to listen and to trust me when I explain other things that are o.k.
I believe that if we don't police ourselves to a degree that allows us to all answer to our accusers without rebuttal , then we do need to begin fighting for what is right in order to maintain what we currently have in the long term.
I agree that we need to teach in order that our students can carry on into the future but without a defined and proper/safe path we are teaching nothing
I can show you sites and links that are so offensive as to cause a person to become ill after viewing for a short duration and our problem as a whole (as I see it) is that we do nothing to discourage this outrage.
When we insist that we should support each other simply because we are all hunters and that we need to stick together..... we take in many persons who's actions we would never partake of or condone in our own children or neighbors or selfs
I would suggest looking at secular organizations who (in the name of unity) have become extinct due to their own unwillingness to conform to the times, choosing instead to weather the tide of change
Change can either overtake you and leave you alone and helpless or you can learn to conform to it in order to survive
I suggest that there are things within that indeed must change or we will be destined to be left behind without a canoe or paddle
Just look at England